

Here you find everything that you need for Polo in Argentina!

- Polo School- you can Polo 


  1. -Polo Horses - we help you to find your horses

  2. -Hotels/ Apartments you can 

  rent an apartement or house,

- Tr avel- we help to find you the

  best way to travel

  1. -Equipment

  2. -Polo Tournaments - do you want to  play  in Argentina

  3. -Polo Campo - We will help you if  you want to buy your campo

  4. -Polo Equipment - We have a big choise of what ever you need to play good Polo

  5. -Wine - We get you the contact to travel to a wine farm or get you your own wine

  6. -Restaurents - We tell you where to get the good Argentine meet and where to go at night

  7. -and a lot more ...

  8. -You just have to Contact us